Perennial plants are ideal for container gardening

Although annuals do very well in garden planters, there are certainly many reasons to consider planting perennials in your container gardens. Longevity and, over time, economy are important considerations.

HostaAnnuals must be replaced year after year, whereas perennial gardening provides the experience of growing a plant through a number of seasons and creating a mature, ever-expanding garden. Many perennials are easy to propagate, so your garden plantings will increase without additional expense. Trading perennials with your neighbors can be fun and a great way to expand the variety in your garden planters inexpensively.

Selection of the right perennial plants for your garden planters is critical, as you may be establishing a garden for long-term enjoyment if you do not have garden space to re-plant large, mature perennials. The wide variety of perennials that do well in planters grows every year and you will often find you can create a unique container when you choose perennials rather than the more common annuals offered in nurseries.

Establishing a perennial plant in a grand garden urn makes a wonderful focal point for your container garden.

A Selection of Perennials for Garden Planters:



Flower Color


Astilbered, pink, whiteSping/early summer
Lady’s mantlegreenish-yellowLate spring
Bergeniapink, rose, whiteSpring
Bellflowerblue-purpleSpring/early summer






Margueriteyellow, pink, whiteSpring to fall
Carpathian harebellwhite or blue-purpleEarly summer
Delphiniumpink, blue, whiteSpring
Shasta daisywhite and yellowSummer
Phloxpink, magenta, whiteSummer
Spike speedwellpink, blue, whiteSummer
Orange coneflowergoldSummer to fall

See also herbs and shrubs & trees for your perennial planters.