Fall Planting: A Guide to Growing Nutrient-Rich Vegetables in Cooler Seasons

As the summer sun begins to wane and temperatures start to drop, many gardeners might think it's time to hang up their gardening gloves. However, fall presents an excellent opportunity to continue growing fresh, nutrient-rich vegetables. Planting vegetables in the fall not only extends the growing season but also allows you to enjoy a bountiful harvest…

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Fall Gardening Tasks

Early fall is an important time for garden maintenance and preparation, as it sets the stage for a healthy garden in the coming seasons. The specific tasks you need to perform can vary depending on your location and climate, but here are some common garden tasks for early fall:Clean Up and Remove DebrisRemove spent annuals and…

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Growing vegetables in planters is easy!

Save money on groceries—grow your own vegetables and herbs in your container garden. Almost all vegetables and herbs can be grown in planters—from single planters, to larger plant groupings in special planters designed just for a vegetable garden or raised garden planters. Here's some creative ideas for growing vegetables in planters:Salad Bowl Planter: Choose a shallow,…

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Seasons Winter Newsletter

Greetings from Seasons Newsletter!! It's hard to believe a new year is just around the corner and with it, another exciting gardening season. Through the winter months we take the opportunity to learn more about plants and gardening techniques as we dream, visualize and plan our next garden. This winter, I'm looking forward to planning a…

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Seasons Spring Newsletter

Spring is in full bloom... and summer is just around the corner! For many regions, summer has made an early appearance this year, hinting at the likelihood of a hot and dry season ahead. Gardeners are being challenged to find ways to balance the need to conserve precious water with their desire to create lush gardens…

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