Outdoor Garden Planters

Self-watering planters are ideal for busy gardeners

Self watering plantersSelf watering planters aren’t completely self watering—you must add water from time to time to keep their water reservoirs filled. Most have a reservoir built into the bottom to hold a supply of water for the plants.

Some self-watering garden planters have a wick running from the soil to the reservoir; others have a column of soil that runs down into the water reservoir and soaks up water as needed.

Self watering planters tend to be a little more expensive than standard outdoor planters, but they do help reduce the frequency of watering and make up for extra cost in time-savings. They can also be a help with planters that are placed in locations that are difficult to get at.

Characteristics of Self-watering Planters


  • selfwatering garden planters are often lightweight
  • a good solution for busy or ‘forgetful’ gardeners
  • can be handy for hard to get at planters, particularly hanging planters or baskets or planters at the back of big groupings


  • self-watering planters are usually more expensive
  • do not eliminate the need to water plants, but do reduce the frequency
  • choice of materials available for self watering planters is more limited than standard planters
  • can be damaged by freezing in the winter, unless cleaned and stored in a protected place




Gardener's Supply