Create a living wall of green

Wally PocketLiving walls is the new ‘catch-phrase’ in container gardening. Until recently, living walls were large, landscape installations constructed of heavy-duty materials to support the weight of both plants and moisture. The creative geniuses got to work and have come up with living wall planters systems designed for both outdoor and indoor applications. They can be a small, single ‘wall pocket’ installation, or some systems allow for multiple planters to be grouped together to create a true living wall look.

Various pocket, pouch or mini planter systems which are really a variation of wall planters are in the stores now. These wall-mounted planters are usually made of soft felt-like material which have a moisture barrier. Two types of moisture barriers are available one which allows for drainage is for outdoor use, while the indoor model has a complete moisture barrier that does not allow drainage or dripping on wall or floor surfaces.

My favorite living wall system is available at Design Within Reach, where all of the coolest products find themselves! Called the ‘Woolly Pocket Living Wall System’, they are the best designed ones that I have seen so far. Check them out here:



New Woolly Video! Living Wall Pocket Planters from Woolly Pocket